Newtown indie beer supremosYoung Henrys have teamed up with best matesChilde Eyewear to throw STAY ALL DAY mini festival celebrating the re-opening of Waywards and the impending Summer sweaty season. Cheers
Flying like a disco drenched juggernaut out of the freshly thriving Sydney scene, Vast Hill have been turning heads and shaking booties over the last couple years, solidly stamping their spot at the top of dreamy-synth pop music makers. We love their sound, style and all round vibe. With a big year under their belt and an even bigger one on the horizone, we flung Vast Hill a couple of questions to grab a bit of context.
A wild night in the West put on by Bee Rizzi of Peggy Sue's Agency, a twisted prom with DJ's, dress-ups and limbo. Jump in to see some saucy pics and find out how it all went down!
More gigs than you can poke a drumstick at - Drunk Mums, The Buoys, Red Engine Caves, Raave Tapes, The Pinheads, Kirin J Callinan, Rat Coffin plus heaps more