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CHILDE | Gig Guide (August 28)

I'm already sweaty and thirsty just thinking about all the music that's on this weekend. Here's what we reckon is pretty good...

King Street Crawl

You know how everyone carries on about the death of live music in Sydney and how there's nothing to do anymore yadda yadda yadda. Well the original death of music in Sydney created an incredible push by the people on the outskirts of the city to be seen and more importantly heard, and because there was no curfew and generally less fucks given, it has created this incredibly original and eclectic music scene that is now infiltrating it's way back into the city. King Street Crawl is the place to go to see this happening in real time with your very own eyeballs. Quickly picking up a name for it's self for providing Sydney-siders with some of the best up and coming bands this country has to offer, King Street Crawl has yet again out done itself with the line up this year. With Newtown as their backdrop, there are some ripper bands hitting the iconic venues that line King Street. Some of our picks for this year include *drum roll* 100, Nick Nuissance & The Delinquents, Raave Tapes, Straight Arrows, Mini Skirt, Shady Nasty, Moody Beach, The Buoys, Johnny Hunter, Cosmic Psychos and Tuppaware Party. As you can see, there's a bit on, so hit the King Street Crawl Facebook to find times and stages.

Sunday, Septemper 1 @ King Street, Sydney

The Buoys

Sydney's favourite new all-girl band have been tearing their way through the East Coast on their first headline tour. Like all things that properly rock, it is sadly coming to an end. But they're going out with a couple of bangers (topping the tour off at King Street Crawl of course). These chicky-dees will easily steal your hearts and your ability to control your bodily movements when you see them live. We really can't encourage it enough. Get along!

Friday, August 30 @ Cambridge Hotel, Newcastle

Saturday, August 31 @ Dicey Rileys

Sunday, September 1 @ King Street Crawl


The Pinheads

Wollongong's finest exports are wrapping up their massive national album tour this weekend as well, tapping into some of that northern heat to carry them across the line. These guys are truly one of the best live bands in the country, incredibly layered and unforgivingly themselves. If you have one of those uncles or weird older cousins that thinks rock'n'roll is dead, tell him you're taking him to the Michael Hutchence doco but then take him to see the Pinheads instead. He won't be let down.

Friday, August 30 @ The Foundry, Brisbane

Saturday, August 31 @ The Northern, Byron Bay


Aaron Gocs

If you have ever muttered the phrase "classic stitch-up",you're either a brick layer or you have Aaron Gocs to thank. He's the comedy hero you didn't know you needed. Incredibly subtle and heart-wrenchingly endearing. Most of the show you're trying to figure why you're laughing so hard, and why you want to hug this mullet-clad, tracky wearing man on stage. And then you realise it's cos he's just like you. He's just some bloke, some guy that you'd see in the line at Coles, or at the corner shop. That bloke that is so familiar, you see him nearly everyday but you know nothing about him. He's just some bloke that occasionally makes uncomfortable jokes at the checkout. Aaron Gocs is that man, and that man is a hero. He's doing some sideshows in Sydney this week, go watch him.

Thursday, August 29th @ The Factory Theatre, Sydney

Saturday, August 31st @ The Factory Theatre, Sydney


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