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Tuppaware Party at Stay All Day Festival this Saturday November 30

Hello beautiful Shelly, how are you? 2019 has a year of Tuppaware Party shows and festival inclusions and a little quieter on the new music front. I get the sense that you’re sitting on quite a bit of content?

I’m wonderful thanks! This year has been huge for shows and indeed we are sitting on quite a few tracks now- we have been primbing our sound a whole lot and have a music video in the works which will be out with one of our new tracks very soon :)

Tuppaware’s music videos are a visual orgasm of dreamy puberty blues and have become the backdrop for the band’s success and recognition so far. Where’s does your mind’s eye go for the next installment?

Thank-you! For the next few visuals, we are still delving into ideas and themes close to our personal lives; using the people around us, drawing from our experiences together (being a band full of very close friends), self-reflection and truth within our experiences then sprinkling a little bit of that romantic pastel-coloured school-girl fantasy.

Earlier this year, Tuppaware played at Chippendale’s Lansdowne, the audience got to see some real laboured love between you and the keys, for some intimate ballads. Is that typically how the songwriting process begins for you?

Yes, most of our songs are originally written on piano at our home through flow-state - I know it’s a solid song when I don’t remember writing it. It’s very interesting hearing the words that are living inside of me, out-loud.

Is that place of Flow State easy for you enter into or is it something that’s an on-going trial?

Naturally since young, I wrote from this meditative place… then finding out about flow-state I realised that’s what I was kind-of doing. I’m a lover of David Lynch, Paul Selig and a big believer of finding ideas when tapping into different states of consciousness. It intrigues me a lot.

Stylistically, Tuppaware has always maintained a sense of self that’s striking and not shy in combatting themes of female empowerment. In music and performance, do you feel there’s dynamism in reacting differently to the movement of feminism?

Looking beyond the surface you’ll find that, even though it seems like our themes are almost anti-feminist, in-fact we are pro power to the woman. I love exploring the idea of empowerment through being submissive, I’m very aware of my fantasy and sexuality - it’s okay for me to let you to take control. Not being ashamed but owning it. I feel like I would love to give that to other girls - the confidence to embrace their fetishes even if they fall into highly outdated gender roles.

Tuppaware has largely been a creative team between yourself and Byrce, on drums. What is it that’s leads the creative chemistry between the two of you?

We are best-mates that go back a very long time so routed in my songs is naturally a lot about our own experiences and growth together. As we live together, he’ll often hear me writing the song then he’ll kind of come in and structure it, put rhythm to it and it’ll suddenly sound just like the song I wanted it to be (my songs are usually very much a messy stream of consciousness until this happens) - Plus our mutual love of Tool, Lana Del Rey, Die Antwoord, A Perfect Circle, 90’s pop hits etc. connects us in the way that usually we are on the same wave musically.

What does 2020 hold for Tuppaware?

Album, more clips, more shows, reaching higher states of consciousness etc.

You’re playing the ‘Stay All Day’ fest at Waywards rooftop at the Bank Hotel coming up, who are you most keen to catch live?

Anytime the Voiid girls play, it gets pretty wild but Nick Nuisance for sure - it’s great to see Nick on the mic - super involved. 


Interview by Cassia @cassiajade_

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