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The Oogars to break Sydney virginity at Stay All Day Festival

Hey Oogar girls, how are you all? Stay All Day Festival is coming in hot, who are you most excited to share the bill with?

We are really good thanks, yes it is! We couldn’t thank CHILDE and Young Henrys enough for having us. This line up is an absolute banger so we couldn’t just choose one. So top three would definitely be Tuppaware Party, Misty Lanes and Good Pash. We have never seen those guys live before so we’re super keen to see them do their thing on stage.

In preparation to play a festival, do you make any specific changes to the usual set you would play and how do you approach that?

Yeah good question. We always try to amp up the op shop visits to ensure we have the right entire for the event haha. Us Oogars do try to put on super energetic set regardless of the venue but we have added and tweaked a few songs especially for this festival, so I guess its just a matter of arranging the songs so we can really set the vibe for people to enjoy.

With such a run of incredible supporting gigs this year, who has been your favourite band to warm up the stage for? 

Nice Biscuit were pretty damn amazing, on and off the stage. Their live performances will blow your socks off. They are just all-round legends. We felt really connected to their genius music creations and characteristic appearances.

How does the Byron scene compare to playing for a Sydney audience?

Well this is an exciting time for us Oogars because we haven’t experienced the Sydney audience yet. So we’ll get back to you on that one. Although the Byron crew do love a good boogie.

The Oogars in Byron

Your latest single Power is an onslaught of war cry-like vocals and guitar-laden psychedelia, a real cathartic explosion of sound. How does the track translate on stage compared with laying something like that down in the studio?

Power was one of our first ever songs we created together. This song naturally brought ecstatic emotional energy to the room whenever played it at practice. We were stoked to be able to record ‘Power’ live in the studio as a band, bringing that raw passion into the recording itself. As a band it’s one of our favourite songs to play, so the energy is just as raw in live performances.

The Aussie music scene seems to be slaying it with incredible all-female bands like VOIID, Stonefield and Clews. Does the gender gap feel like it’s closing at all?

Yeah, 100% I think we were lucky to have entered the music scene at this time. We haven’t felt any gender gaps. It’s super beautiful to see all genders being equal parts of the music scene.

Let’s What does 2020 have in store for the Oogars? Can we expect any more beautiful montage videos like Scream?

2020 is going to be exciting for us. We have an EP in the pipeline and potentially an East Coast tour. There have been ideas thrown around for a new juicy music video for one of our songs ‘Girl in the Mirror’. Other than that the rest is for us to know and you to find out.

When you’re not making music or performing, what’s a typical summer day for the four of you?

Life is quite lush for us Oogars, we have all just moved into a peaceful OOGAR Pad in the Northern Rivers. We are either down in our home music studio creating, Catching waves, cooking up good food with friends or cheekily booking overseas trips to ultimate surf destinations.

 The Oogars

Interview by Cassia @cassiajade_

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