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CHILDE | Gig Guide

G'day frothers, delve into another week of ripper Australian live music. All up and down the coast there's stuff going on for your thirsty little ears to quench their thirst at.

The Southern River Band

The boys from the wild west are playing the Bunbury Groovin the Moo this weekend along with a massive line-up of local and international acts. I'm sure the lads will be fired up in front of a home crowd and ready to show the out of towners how WA crew get down.

If you're heading along to Groovin the Moo, make sure you check the timetable and catch these guys. They've also got a new single on the way, so keep your eyes peeled. 

Johnny Hunter w/ The Oogars

The ever enticing Oogars are at it again this weekend, bringing their sweet sweet sounds to Brisbane, playing with Sydney powerhouse Johnny Hunter. We've blown smoke up both these bands asses in the past for a very good reason.... they fuckin rock. I'm fairly sure this is the first time Johnny Hunter has graced the stages of Brisbane, so if you're north of the border make sure you get down there and rock out with them. Johnny Hunter are on a national tour to blast the good people with their ripper new single "Ashamed", check it out below. Seriously powerful stuff - endless sing-alongs, head-whacking, hand flailing, friend hugging stuff. But don't take our word for it. Get amongst it.

Fri, May 10th @ Greaser Bar, Brisbane

The Buoys w/ Shearin'

These lovely Sydney ladies have got a cracker new single (and music video) and they want to play it to you. So that's exactly what they're going to do this weekend. These girls have been getting a lot of well-deserved hype of late for their crunchy guitar riffs, juicy lyrics, and ass-kicking live performances. This weekend they're bringing along fellow-Sydney friends Shearin' who are a kind of flannelette whirlwind dystopia, that get you laughing, moshing, thinking and stomping - it's really quite impressive.

Sat, May 11th @ Vic on the Park, Sydney


Amyl & The Sniffers w/ C.O.F.F.I.N, No Doz

This is huge. Amyl and The Sniffers are back in Aus for a short period inbetween jetsetting the globe spreading the good work of Aussie Rock. They're also playing at the Tote, but this show gets a special mention due to the massive support. Safe to say, its going to be an absolute disaster in the best possible way. The Sniffers are obviously one of the best live bands this country has to offer, spitting, kicking and screaming their way to the top, but I dare say, C.O.F.F.I.N will easily have to be one of the most raucous. Absolute destructo zone. If you're into thrashing your ears, your body and your soul, you best go to this gig... mouth guard recommended.

Check out the latest Amyl clip below.

Sat, May 11th - Paddington RSL, Sydney



NOUGHTS w/ Clam, Gluten Priest

Noughts have been quickly and effectively chipping away at the Melbourne punk scene and their hard work is paying off. They're celebrating the release of their new single this weekend at the Tote, it should be a bloody ripper. If you're into the Melbourne punk scene and want to sus some up-and-comers, this gig has got your name all over it. Check their new song below.

Sat, May 11th - The Tote, Melbourne

Masochist w/ Flat Bickie + heaps more

Here's a gig for the heavier inclined. Masochist from Lismore have been kicking holes in the Australian hardcore scene for a little while now, playing with a number of overseas acts and even turning the heads of punters that might not be particularly favourable to the heavier side of life. Flat Bickie will be there too, a Byron band that sound like the golden age of hardcore punk.

Sat, May 11th @ Vinnies Dive Bar, Gold Coast

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