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Make a Wave for Remote Indonesia

Indonesia has a special place in our hearts. We love to surf and we love the people. This September we will be joining Surf Aid to support Make a Wave to help people in remote communities of Indonesia.

Support us to Make a Wave in September as we surf every day for the month raising funds for SurfAid to provide clean water, health care and education for the remote communities of Indonesia.

Make a Wave is a fun way to raise money in a light hearted spirit that is so typical in nature of the beautiful people of Indonesia 

When you support our fundraising you give people in remote communities connected to us through surfing a hand up, rather than a handout.

Donate to support here - Make a Wave Childe Eyewear

You can also join our team and surf to Make a Wave and help this September.

SurfAid's geographical focus is on the heartlands of surfing where few visitors but surfers go, make their work unique. They specialise in working in very isolated villages where the maternal and child mortality rates are some of the highest in the world.

With your support, we can give families the best chance of getting ahead by providing access to healthcare, clean water and sanitation and improved nutrition. Anything you can donate to support our efforts is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.

Make a Wave Surf Aid

Surfing Indonesia - image by Lance Slabbert

Thankyou to Surf Aid's intuitive of Make a Wave to provide the resources and opportunity to make a difference to these people


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