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Live Lounge April 30 - Pearl the Girl, Mac the Knife and Vast Hill

The Childe Live lounge comes alive Thursday April 30 with 3 of our favourite emerging Sydney artists. Always looking to showcase a variety of talent this week shows the creative diversity of Sydney's music scene.

First up we have the enigmatic Pearl the Girl from Bondi followed by Newtown's best-kept secret - Bryn Chapman Parish of punk rock band Mac the Knife and then we close the Childe Live Lounge with dreamy, retro synth-pop duo Vast Hill.

Live and personal good vibrations in support of positive mental health.

To see the show simply log in to each artist live Instagram AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
8:00pm - @iampearlthegirl
8:15pm - @mactheknifeband
8:30pm - @vasthill

Artists bios:- 
Pearl the Girl @iampearlthegirl
Pearl is a magnetic force unto her own. Unrestrained, authentic journal-style songwriting delivers upbeat, punchy indie pop-rock. Their newly released Single Use Plasticdelves into silky 80’s synth melody rock. Love it.

Mac the Knife Band – solo by lead Bryn Chapman Parish @mactheknifeband
Lead by the charismatic Bryn Chapman Parish - Newtown’s Mac The Knife is powerfully crunchy Australian punk rock. Embracing the best of ’70s surf, American coastal and proto-post punk. A hidden gem of the Sydney punk rock music scene.
Bryn Chapman Parish of Mac the Knife Band

Vast Hill @vasthill
Dream retro synth-pop duo from Sydney - fusing the 80s, 60s and now into melodic synth-pop. The divinely electronic 80’s delivered perfectly into 2020.
We love Vast Hill’s supremely styled single “Heartbreaker” from their 2019 album “More Than You Imagined”

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