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Jakey Pedro Childe sunglass collection is Out to Lunch

Jakey Pedro and Childe Sunglasses

In conjunction with his upcoming exhibition, Childe Eyewear is excited to announce an exclusive sunglass collaboration with Bondi Beach artist Jakey Pedro, to celebrate his new show ‘Out To Lunch'.

Jakey has reinvented 4 of our best-selling Childe Wilde plant based sunglass frames using his artistic signature palette of "padre blue" and "really rose" to create a fun and flamboyant collection of tropical shades that salute the summer.

This uplifting range of Childe eyewear represents Jakey's playful artistic expression with Childe’s modernistic approach to retro eyewear design that will inspire the sound of summer to sing through your senses.

A very limited run of only 10 pieces per style, each carrying Jakey’s exclusive signature, will be available online and at his "Out to Lunch" show at the At The Above gallery at Level 1 198 Gertrude street Fitzroy, Victoria on Friday 3 December, making these pieces truly an extension of Jakey’s body of work.

In a week-long immersive beginning on 26 November 2021 Bondi based artist Jakey Pedro will spend night and day in a literal "live in" residency at Melbourne’s At The Above gallery to create his latest collection of artistic works for his Out to Lunch show.

Jakey and Childe founder Jon laurenson became mates through their love of surfing when they were neighbours living in Tamarama in Sydney. They share many creative interests so producing this collection of artistic inspired plant based sunglasses was a very fun and natural collaboration.

We will be donating 20% of sunglass sale proceeds to Arts Access Australia - the national peak body that work to increase opportunities and access to the arts for people with disabilities. All the more reason to get involved and purchase from this exciting release.

Born and raised in rural Noosa Heads, now living in Bondi Beach emerging artist Jacob Pedrana has an instinctual practice that eschews rules and repetition and embraces the chaos of naturally occurring creative tracks.

Fusing bold, pastel acrylic blocks with the soft edge of an oil stick, his unruly, neo-expressionist style is full of movement and metaphor, with Pedrana’s recent Not My Last Rodeo show speaking to the wildness of the Navajo rodeo, communicated through immediately iconic cowboys astride bucking horses in a riotous palette of vivid, subtropical colour.

Jakey Pedro in Bondi studio for Childe by Steve Baccon
Childe and Jakey Pedro sunglasses
Childe Exit sunglasses by Jakey PedroChilde Jakey Pedro Out to Lunch sunglasses


The 4 piece Childe X Jakey Pedro sunglass collection screams FUN and feels you into the summer groove.

1. The Childe Wilde plant based Reed aviator sunglasses are a classic 70's inspired retro shape that give nod to Jakes recent "Not My Last Rodeo" show collection that speaks to the wildness of the Navajo rodeo cowboy.
Shop- reed-jakey-pedro-sting-rose-sky-gradient-lens

2. The Childe WiLDe plant based Exit sunglass are a unique septagonal sunglass that speak to the artist in all of us. Available in the Childe classic top deck pale pink and blue with a blue lens.
Shop - exit-jakey-pedro-pink-blue-top-deck-blue-lens

3. The Exit style is also available in a subtle pink and blue rainbow marble colour with a complimentary rose lens.
Shop - exit-jakey-pedro-pink-blue-marble-rose-lens

4. The Childe WiLDe plant based Cash wayfarer is the modern classic with a translucent pale blue frame and pink and blue highlights across the front of the sunglasses. Also complimented with a rose lens
Shop - cash-jakey-pedro-stripe-rose-sky-gradient-lens


Sussana Emi in the Childe Cash by Jakey Pedro | Photo Life Without Andy


Jakey Pedro in The Childe Reed Sunglasses | Photo by Steve Baccon
Childe Jakey Pedro Reed SunglassesSussana Emi in the Childe Wilde X Jakey Pedro Out to Lunch Reed Sunglasses

Sussanna Emi in the Childe Exit sunglasses by Jakey Pedro | Photo Mitchel Tomlinson Life Without Andy

Jakey Pedro in Childe Eyewear | Photo by Steve Baccon


The Childe Wilde Exit Jakey Pedro sunglasses
Childe Cash wayfarer in Jakey Pedro Out to Lunch
Sussana Emi in the Jakey Pedro Childe WiLDe Cash wayfarer sunglasses
Sussana Emi in the Childe Jakey Pedro sunglasses
Jacob Pedrana for Childe by Steve Baccon
Childe Jakey Pedro Out to Lunch collection
Childe Jakey Pedro Exit sunglasses
Childe Jakey Pedro sunglasses out to lunch

2 Responses



February 11, 2023

Yajero Awobeqeti



February 11, 2023

Hepivise Equjigip

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