In a week-long immersive project beginning 26 November 2021 Sydney-based neo-expressionist artist Jacob Pedrana will take up residency - literally, spending night and day - creating an entire body of work from scratch at Melbourne’s At The Above gallery before opening his "Out to Lunch" exhibition on Friday 3 December 2021
Both as an artistic experiment and a way to introduce his new phase of practice, "Out To Lunch" will see Pedrana in evolution. Centring on dance as a theme of reference, Pedrana will channel his fascination with movement and the kinetic relationship between bodies and objects into this body of work, embracing the unique environment and experience and fuel his craft's momentum.
The show will centre around two hero pieces in the form of giant canvaes and a number of smaller complementary works across a range of mediums including acrylic, oil and charcoal.
Continuing to use photography as a template to build from, Pedrana will be joined in the studio space by his camera and a number of visiting muses.
At The Above gallery is living, breathing work in progress, a constant unfinished space, yet always relevant. A playground for artists and brands to collaborate and create immersive experiences for their consumers to connect with on a personal, unrefined level.
If you're in Melbourne, clear your schedule on Friday 3 December and make sure you visit the show by RSVP to

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Born and raised in rural Noosa Heads, now living in Bondi Beach emerging artist Jacob Pedrana has an instinctual practice that eschews rules and repetition and embraces the chaos of naturally occuring creative tracks.
Fusing bold, pastel acrylic blocks with the soft edge of an oil stick, his unruly, neo-expressionist style is full of movement and metaphor, with Pedrana’s recent Not My Last Rodeo show speaking to the wildness of the Navajo rodeo, communicated through immediately iconic cowboys astride bucking horses in a riotous palette of vivid, subtropical colour – A sold out show.

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