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Childe Live Lounge June 4 - The Chats, Goons of Doom and Drunk Mums

This weeks Childe Live Lounge in support of positive mental health presents a cracking line up of intimate lounge room shows direct to your Insta by members of Australia’s best punk rock outfits – The Chats, The Drunk Mumsand the Goons of Doom

Tune in and turn up the volume on Thursday June 4th from 8pm (AEST).  
Plug your insta in to your telly to get the full experience if your in the mood. 

Josh Price the guitarist from the mighty Chats @thechatslovebeer will kick of the show at 8pm live from his Hervey Bay lounge as you’ve never seen him before direct to your insta. 8pm Tune into @thechatslovebeer
The Chats recently released their debut full length album High Risk Behaviour with all your favourite "come party with us" hits like Pub Feed, Identity Theft and Do What I Want. Lets get some.

Swellian Vaughan Dead @vaughandeadly is the almighty lead singer of the infamous lords of surf punk rock the Goons of Doom. Vaughan will hit the live lounge 8:15pm@childe_co
Potentially he may be joined by best mates - cosmic creators @Ozzywrong and Killer Whale @killerwhale______
These chaps know how to humour us and are bound to make your heart sing as they serenade you live from their lounge on the north coast of NSW.

Dean, Jonny Badlove and Jake of the almighty Drunk Mums go live from their Melbourne cave at 8:30pm @drunkmums
The Vicco lads have built a reputation over a decade of delivering blistering live shows to be one of the very best live rock n roll bands in Australia so this unique show by the lads is not to be missed.

The Childe Live Lounge is an initiative to support positive mental health. @beyondblueofficial and @oneeighty_inc are our go-to when we or someone we know needs some extra support.

Join us this Thursday in the live lounge to bring the good vibes and pump up the volume. 
Tune in and watch the shows at each bands Instagram LIVE

8pm Pricey from the Chats @thechatslovebeer

8:15pm Vaughan Dead @goonsofdoom_ and @childe_co

8:30pm Dean, Johhny Badlove and Jake at @drunkmums

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July 30, 2020




July 30, 2020


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