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CHILDE Interview | Tuppaware Party

Tuppaware Party represent a suburban dystopia. Like a nail bomb wrapped in bubble gum and fairy floss. Hailing from Cronulla, hidden away in Sydney's south, I see Tuppaware Party as a twisted embodiment of the area. A kind of "everything's fine here" mask put on for the outside world in a bid to hide the darker inner-workings of the suburban town. Tuppaware Party give listeners a glimpse into this world, with a hint of teenage nostalgia, theatre and at points, borderline insanity.
We fired some questions at the ever-enticing Shelly, front-woman and brain behind Tuppaware Party, to see what she reckons. 
Shelly in the Mookhi
Shelly in the Mookhi Sunglass | denim by Wrangler Australia
Who is Tuppaware Party and where are they going?
We are a band. A Sydney band. A 70’s style surfy yet spiced dreamy Sydney band... mostly known for our sexy* drummer Bruce and crazy me.
*not my words.
** not that I don't think he's good looking, I'm just not attracted to him in that kind of way.
Where are we going - hopefully somewhere good, now is pretty good also, so it's looking promising! :)
Shelly at home in the Exit
Shelly at home in the Exit Sunglass
You guys have a theatrical feeling that comes through in your songs and live shows. What do you think has influenced this?
I love High School Musical and old school musicals (and musicals in general) and Lana Del Rey, so I like to think I grab from the escapism themes of those two.

You lost the guitar recently for live shows, what brought this about and how does it feel?
So I can sexy dance, obviously. Working on my floor work.

How would you describe the current music scene in Sydney?
Very DIY and intertwined actually - Everyone is super supportive of each-other, it seems all of us bands have at-least a couple members working at our local radio stations, making labels, booking shows, working at studios and elevating each-other up through our other creative and non-creative strengths. I'm so excited to see this grow more, bands helping bands, so neat!!
Tuppaware Party Photo by Dani Hansen

Which venue would you love to play that you haven’t yet?
I don't know if this counts but Lollapalooza in France is a dream of mine, also on a float at Mardi Gras would be cool.. next year maybe.
Otherwise of course the Opera House with a full choir behind us and strings. - I find this is me either doing 1 of 2 things:
a) Dreaming big sistaa! You go girl! ;)
b) Avoidance behaviour - you choose a goal so big that you don’t have to think about the little steps and hard work in-between.
Who are your favourite up and comers in Australian music at the moment?
Oooft! Recently, Boxcrunch (Melb), Haircare (WA), Hallie (QLD) , Mal de mer (Syd) have me on vibe city. So much gr8 sexy Aus bands atm... too much content, so little time!!
Shelly in the Mookhi
What’s coming up in the near future we should know about? New song, shows, music video, album?
This is a non-official announce but we have a heap of singles ready to go, so stay more tuned than a TV into me.
Video clips will be released with them - may or not feature me pole-dancing in sneakers...
Check out the hair raising clip for Tuppaware PartyWe Are The Ones below.

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