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CHILDE Gig Guide

 You know when you've got a butt-load of cool things to do and you get so overwhelmed and anxious about it all that you think you might actually just stay at home because if you go out you might explode with excitement. That's this weekend. However, instead of staying home, you're going to suck it up, push past the anxiety wall, knock the froth of a couple and bloody get amongst it.

The Oogars

The lovely ladies from the Oogars are actually playing at our very own office this Friday. Aren't we lucky. We're actually having quite a do, with beer, cocktails, nibbles and of course kick ass sunglasses. If you're in Byron, pop past and say hi.

Thurs, 11th April - CHILDE HQ

Goons of Doom

It's finally here folks. The weekend we've been waiting for up north. The Goons boys are on their final stretch and they're fired up. Our lucky competition winners will be heading a long and hanging on for their dear lives. Back to back Byron Bay and Gold Coast shows we can't wait to see how this pans out.

Fri, 12th April - The Northern, Byron Bay

Sat, 13th April - The Cooloongatta Hotel, Gold Coast

Boing Boing w/ Perve Endings, Brick Layers

Boing Boing have a song about Jonathon Thurston called King Of The North... if that's not enough to get you to the show I don't know what more I can do for ya. I will say however that Perve Endings are also playing and they are god damn incredible, it's like three bands in one in the most cohesive way possible. Three lovely ladies up front just busting out crazy diverse vocals and playing their hearts out, it is well worth a watch. The other support is called Brick Layers, I haven't heard them, but that is an excellent band name.

Fri, 12th April - The Bearded Lady, Brisbane

Falling Leaves Festival w/ Crocodylus, G-Strings, Cardboard Cutouts, Shark Drive and more

To kick off Youth Week, Falling Leaves Festival in Toowoomba is going all out. It's the first year of the festival and it looks like it's the place to be in Toowoomba this weekend. Lots of good local talent as well as Sydney sicko's Crocodylus. If you're in the area, make sure you get there.

Saturday, 13th April - Falling Leaves Festival, Toowoomba

Soundcheck - Battle of the Bands, presented by Stoke Travel

Sydney, this is going to be big. The inaugural Soundcheck Battle of the bands pops off this Sunday at the iconic Lansdowne Hotel. There is some epic talent in the pool including Garage Sale, Pearl the Girl, The Lenores, Diplazar, Mar Haze and many many more. The winner scores a tour with the Dune Rats in Europe, so it's pretty safe to say they'll be playing their little up-and-coming hearts. Can't think of anything better to do on a Sunday, so get down there.

Sun, 14th April - Lansdowne, Sydney



 See you all in the bar line!

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