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4 results
Unwrapping a consumer driven Christmas
Christmas can be a really beautiful time of year, and the more you delve into the purpose and begin to unwrap your own beliefs, you too might see a celebration that honours life, kindness and community beyond a tale of credit card debt, waste and consumerism.
Plastic revolution to Evolution
The revolution of plastic unfolded at lightning fast speed, yet the evolution of creating kinder alternatives and cleaning up the billions of tonnes of plastic waste currently circulating the globe is a slower, more complex undertaking.
Waste - reclaiming our slow food
The average Australian family throws 1 out of 5 shopping bags of perfectly good food in the bin. the effects of this detachment from our food are much more widespread than a few million tonnes of perfectly edible food going into landfill each year. Subpod are the inspiration we need to begin reclaiming our right to slow food.
Childe Eco Eyewear by The Slow Journal
We want people to feel they have purchased a product that is made with love, feels good and is a part of their persona while also being responsible to the environment and future of our planet and next generation.