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Thirsty Thursday | CHILDE GIG GUIDE

Tools down... It's Thursday. Treat yourself to a cheeky schooner and read over the CHILDE Gig Guide to figure out where you're going to have your mind blown this weekend. As always in this music-blessed country, it's shaping up to be a good one!

A.Swayze and The Ghosts, Crocodylus & VOIID

This huge triple header chugs on this weekend hitting Sydney, Canberra and Wollongong. It's a massive line up and well worth getting around. I dare say these lot won't be playing smaller venues like this for too much longer.

Fri March 22 - Marrickville Bowlo, Sydney

Sat March 23 - The Basement, Canberra

Sun March 24 - Y&O Sundays, North Gong Hotel, Wollongong

Tuppaware Party w/ Sunscreen, Bin Juice, Bilby and Dream Dog

CHILDE poster band Tuppaware Party are at it again this weekend in Sydney with a huge line up for "Otto's House Party". You know you love 'em, so make sure you're there!

Sat March 23 - The Lord Gladstone, Sydney

Hobo Magic

Hobo Magic are hands down one of the best live bands I've ever seen. They have that rock'n'roll glory days look, sound and feel, but not in an annoying throw-back gimmicky way. Like they are the real fucking deal. Their drummer even looks like a less heroin-reliant Ginger Baker from Cream. Everything about this Brisbane 3-piece absolutely rocks. It is dead genuine hard rock'n'roll. Make sure you stretch your neck pre-gig to prevent serious metal-neck the next morning.

Fri March 22 - Hamilton Station, Newcastle

Sat March 23 - Frankies, Sydney

Sun March 24 - El Sol, Cronulla

The Oogars, Nice Biscuit, Fight Ibis

WE LOVE THE OOGARS. It's surf/garage punk with a good hit of funk, soul and bright pop melodies. These girls from the Byron Bay/Gold Coast zone really now how to kick your night into gear. They've been out of action for a little while, but have been back on the gig scene, which we reckon is bloody exciting stuff. Make sure you get around them this weekend if you're on the Sunny Coast supporting Nice Biscuit with Fight Ibis.

Fri 22 March - Sol Bar, Sunshine Coast

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