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Hello Thursday! It's us again. Here to stock you up with ripper live music to watch this weekend and, like always, there's plenty of it on.

Friday, March 1st

Kicking off on Friday night, we have a solid line up in Sydney at the iconic Paddington RSL. North American punk/noise/genre-not-applicable weirdos The Garden are back in Australia to freak out your senses. They'll be joined by a massive line-up of locals including These New South Whales, who put on one hell of a live act, as well as up and comers The Buoys, who will have you nodding your tipsy little head along to their delightful garage pop. 

Meanwhile in Melbourne, local heavy hitters and a CHILDE favourite, Amyl and The Sniffers, are playing a giant home show at the Corner Hotel. These guys have been touring hard overseas, and the days of an Amyl gig every weekend in Melbourne are long gone, so if you're around I'd definitely get down there before they jet off again. Supported by the always fiery Drunk Mums and a new found love, Faculty.

The Garden w/ These New South Whales, The Buoys, Wax Chattels @ Paddington RSL, Sydney

Amyl and The Sniffers w/ Drunk Mums, The Faculty @ The Corner Hotel, Melbourne

Saturday, March 2nd

The Chats at Laneway, photograph by @maclayheriot

Say what you will about the young lads from The Chats, but you can't deny their raw energy, charisma and their ability to get a rowdy crowd screaming. These kids came flying out of the Sunshine Coast and into the homes of every Australian with a TV via that morning show with the bald pointy guy in it. Since then they haven't been off stage long enough to even think about if they're having fun or not. I dare say they are though. If you're a sceptic, you should go to the show, because it is a hell of a lot of fun. If you already love them, you're probably warming up the goon sack as you read this.

Also on Saturday is the enormous FARMER & THE OWL festival in beautiful Wollongong. Boasting one of the best festival line ups I've ever damn seen, it's shaped to be a pretty big day. You're going to want to grab a time schedule, so you can run around like a headless chook to make sure you catch as many acts as you can.

Then, for those that live in the middle of nowhere, (WA), there's a serious shindig going down at Nannup Music Festival. Running from the 1st to 4th of March, Nannup will be showcasing some ripper live acts for its 30th year running. A major feature of the festival is none other than local lads The Southern River Band. Celebrating the back half of a giant national tour the boys will be tight as a tiger and ready to bring the festival down around their Volley-clad feet. Get around it.

SRB by Annie Lila Smith

The Chats w/ The Destrends @ The Cherry Bar, Melbourne

FARMER & THE OWL Festival, Wollongong w/ Hockey Dad, Skegss, The Aints!, These New South Whales, Amyl and the Sniffers, Kirin J Callinan, The Pinheads, Party Dozen, Totally Unicorn and many more...

Nannup Festival, Nannup (1st - 4th of March) w/ Southern River Band, Bec Sandridge, Neil Murray and many many more.

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