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Thirsty Thursday

Hello hello and welcome back to our weekly go-to gig guide.

Don't Kill Live Music Rally To Protest New Festival Rules In NSW

It's a big week for music in Sydney with the "Don't Kill Live Music" rally going down on Thursday the 21st in Hyde Park North from 6-8pm. Gather the troops, draw up your picket signs and get down there for a good cause (and good music). Some big acts have lent their names to the occasion with Triple J heroes Ocean Alley headlining as well as Rubens, Cloud Control and more. 

Life After Football

After you've done rallying you can head down to the Valve Bar, to catch a band that's just popped up on our radar. Life After Football are a tasty post-punk outfit, packing a serious punch while still leaving enough room to dance around. I've got a feeling these guys will have a bright future, so catch them in their early days so you can tell your friends you saw them when they were still "underground".

Thursday 21st Feb, Valve Bar, Sydney | w/ Spaceboys and The Lenores

Bleach Girls

These guys have been AROUND! This is no bullshit, filthy, dirty, t-shirt drenching surf punk. Mickey Bleach up front belting out catchy tunes like a lumberjack on speed and the beautiful Fifi Bleach up the back, whacking the drums so hard you can feel it in the next suburb. Bleach Girls have been on a slight hiatus over the past six months, playing limited shows, but when they rear their sweat drenched heads it's always a blast!

Friday 22nd Feb, The Northern, Byron Bay | w/ Pandamic


ARSE are like eating weet-bix with just enough milk to get it down your throat, it might be a little hard, but god it's filling. This hard hitting Sydney outfit are truly worth listening to, with brutally honest, highly cynical lyrics and a strong kick-snare combo to keep it chugging along. I haven't seen them live yet, but I would love to. Let me know how it is...

Friday 22nd Feb, Lansdowne, Sydney | w/ Circus Variety Act

Johnny Hunter

If you are into the idea of watching your drunk aunty singing karaoke but not overly into the physical carnation of this thought, I feel like Johnny Hunter are the band for you. They have this incredible knack for recreating that nostalgia of 1980's pub rock your Aunty so yearns for, the difference being Johnny Hunter actually pull it off. Every single they have put out so far has been an absolute anthem. From what I've seen their live shows look mental too. Catch them at Secret Garden festival in Sydney (if you have a ticket) or at Cult Vibrations festival in Newcastle.

Saturday 23rd Feb, Cult Vibrations, The Lass, Newcastle w/ Belle Badi, Flight Hawk, Leroy Francis and many more.


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