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Reclaim the Label - unite and empower

What an honour to be a part of this exceptional campaign by @reclaim.the.label
It’s feels so good to support and be inspired by a friends independent brand doing groundbreaking things to create awareness and change to oppressive society beliefs. Ash Pierce you are a powerful visionary and inspiration. Thankyou.

Reclaim The label @reclaim.the.label is a sentiment in itself with the intention to reclaim words with an oppressive history. The label focuses on hand made and small batch items designed to unite and empower. Reclaim was founded through creative fashion experience fused with a tenacity and desire for social change. The brand aims to create community, to empower and educate through drawing attention to systemic issues in a unique and provocative way. A percentage of all profits are donated to @djirravic who advocate for prevention and support for Aboriginal women experiencing family violence.

"Mates and members from @tropical_fuck_storm graciously allowed us to let loose on their gorgeous turf in rural Victoria. An all star cast of mates were asked to come along for the ride due to their joie de vivre. I asked people that I admire and saw as a synthesis of the brand. We all just turned up and set about choosing places to shoot and directing the clip from there.
The day consisted of an all female crew, directing, filming and just working together to create something visually and energetically powerful all whilst having a great time. Everyone walked away on a high, feeling empowered and happy with what we created. A happy memory and essentially an essence of what the brand is about...." Ash Pierce founder of Reclaim the Label 

Filmed by Alex Millen @alexmillen_
Photography by Nicole Cooper @bynicolecooper
Directed by Ash Pierce @ash_pierce
Starring @namisalami @aplusyu @daddys_issue_ @emmaboseley
Featuring Reclaim the Label and Childe Eyewear


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