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Flight to Dubai and Tuppaware Party do the Tokyo Sing Song

Last Thursday evening saw Tuppaware Party inject their surf-pop vibes into Tokyo Sing Song prior to punk rockers Flight to Dubai blowing the place apart for the CHILDE Secret Gig. 

Lit only by the neon white glow of CHILDE on the adjacent wall, Tuppa played to a seductively dark and intimate room. Shelly Fitzpatrick now on guitar and with the wielding force that is Bruce Hearnden on the drums, their sound is fleshed out and bright.

Tuppaware Party by Tom WilkinsonHowever good looking they may be, the dimness of the venue suits them in that a blinding confidence isn’t just tested but afforded. Shelly is forth right and a natural on the guitar, it suits her. The comparisons to Lana Del Rey are obvious and leaned into on their cover of Del Rey’s “Off the Races”. More quirky and frivolous than the original but fitting like a lacey glove over their up-beat charm and Shelly’s sweeping vocal afflictions. This band has the ability to make defining choices, in song-writing, performance and curation. Strong, serving and sexy as hell. 

Closing with “We Are the Ones” the audience are in full swing. The quartet are in sync and the crescendo of each chorus has drawn in the loose standing stragglers away from the back bar. There’s an undoubtable fragrance of impending success around this band. It’s in both the onstage chemistry and pure artistry of their front woman.

Flight to Dubai take to the stage boisterously and without consent in full power. It’s ON. Manically and wide-eyed Atlas holds the mic like ammunition. He addresses the crowd in command with passion - at times barely distinguishable and yet political and informative. What he says goes. It’s condemning. Flight to Dubai encompass the compass, spherically and eccentrically.

The two step, knee knobbing front man Atlas is a leather donning Morrisey meets Glen Danzig Misifts. Driving and thriving on stage. Between his beguiling presence and the punk renaissance head shaking of Nick Nuisance on the drums, there forms the head to toe steel capped arrow. The rhythm and rhym duo of Beau Hardy on bass and Wayland on guitar flank the others in what forms the crossbow formation of the band, wielding and aiming the Flight to Dubai axe.

Flight to Dubai at Tokyo Sing Song

The floor space has tightened in capacity and loosened in dance. They seem to be all ankles and elbows, impersonating Ian Curtis and challenging and committing to the band themselves.  Latest single, ‘Crycentennial Man’ comes in and it’s clear the crowd aren’t there by accident. Spitfire lyrics and war cry moments round off the set in heavy handed professionalism. Flight to Dubai are turbulent and true.

Between the sweet and sour antithesis of each band, it’s obvious that these musicians are whereby they’re meant to be. On the cusp and upward facing. 

Beer provided by our mates at Young Henrys. And we raised $300 for the NSW Fire and rescue service. Thankyou mates

Stay tuned for the next #Childesecretgig at a venue near you.

Words by Cassia @cassiajade_

Photos by Tom Wilkinson @tomwilkinson_

Flight to DubaiFlight to Dubai belting it out at Tokyo Sing Song for Childe EyewearFlight to Dubai by Tom WilkinsonTuppaware Party by Tom WilkinsonFlight to Dubai by Tom WilkinsonTokyo Sing Song Childe Secret GigTuppaware PartyTuppaware Party by Tom Wilkinson

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